Dime quien eres, y te diré como se escribe

Al trabajar con gente del exterior puedo entender que se equivoquen y escriban mal mi nombre, pero irónicamente son aquellos con quienes comparto el idioma los que más le pifian, muchas veces hasta les deletreo como escribirlo... aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!

No me voy a acostumbrar nunca, me da bronca; reconozco que mi nombre no es común, pero tampoco soy Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

IGOR: Dr. Frankenstein?

FREDDY: Fronkensteen.

IGOR: You're putting me on.

FREDDY: No, it's pronounced Fronkensteen.

IGOR: Do you also say Froderick?

FREDDY: No, Frederick.

IGOR: Well, why isn't it Froderick Fronkensteen?

FREDDY: It isn't, it's Frederick Fronkensteen.

IGOR: I see.

FREDDY: You must be Igor.

IGOR: No, it's pronounced Ayegor.

FREDDY: But they told me it was Igor.

IGOR: Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?

FREDDY: Uh, you were sent here by Herr Falkstein, weren't you?

IGOR: Yes. My grandfather used to work for your grandfather.

FREDDY: How nice.

IGOR: Of the rates have gone up.

FREDDY: Of course, of course, I'm sure we'll get along splendidly. Oh, I uh, you know I don't mean to embarrass you, but I'm rather a brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump.

IGOR: What hump?

FREDDY: Let's go.

IGOR: Allow me, master.

FREDDY: Oh, thanks very much.

IGOR: Walk this way. This way…

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